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Salmon are found in North America, Africa, Europe and Asia (but not Australia). There are 7 species of Pacific salmon, 5 of them occur in North American waters: Chinook, Coho, Chum, Sockeye and Pink. Masu and Amago salmon occur only in Asia. There is one species of Atlantic salmon.Chinook/King salmon are the largest salmon and get up to 58 inches long and 126 pounds. Pink salmon are the smallest at up to 30 inches long and 12 pounds , although they average 3 to 5 pounds (1.3-2.3 kg).Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to your health and well-being. Omega-3s help maintain heart health and reduce inflammation in the body. In fact, eating just three servings per week can lower your risk of coronary artery disease by up to 20 percent.

Our Services we provide:

  1. As a traders we always try to provide you best products;
  2. Our on time shipment guarantee give you relaxation and stress free time;
  3. We customized your required products order as per your requirement;
  4. We provide you best products service guarantee;
  5. We always provide best quality products with minimal cost;
  6. After product delivery service we always consider our clients as same as before. they always find the same priority for their services.

For order products:

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Phone: +971 50 530 8592
Address: The Plaza, Al khor, 15th Floor-15A, Baniyas Road, Deira, Dubai-U.A.E